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Residence in Palaio Psychiko, Athens, Greece


The building's main concept is precisely to create an inward-looking overnight area that will both be fully integrated with the outdoor courtyard space and also provide a notional extension of it. The remaining boundaries of that area will be outlined through gradations of open and closed, filtering perspectives from the road and side boundaries in various degrees.
The gradations of these boundaries are given form by combining and coupling crude vertical stone walls and flat surface elements that, contrary to the massive stonework, aren't touching the ground. The essential realization of this boundary handling system occurs at the entrance, the point of dialectical opposition of vertical crude stonework and flat surface hovering at a small distance from the ground, protruding before the entrance and forming a crack and empty space in the space of the entrance, thus marking how difficult it is for public space to penetrate the inner areas of the home.
The stone wall of the façade is turned towards the northern side and scales down towards the courtyard area, while the surface elements are wrapped around and above that notional central inner space, protecting the floor spaces and outlining the fragile boundaries towards the south and the courtyard. The remaining stonework defines the level of the ground, thus forming something akin to a base.
(Collaborators: J. Mourikis, G. Gavalas, S. Gregoriadou)


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